
Emmet Syntax

5分鐘學會Emmet Syntax

習慣在一切事物上都是個卓越的教師。 - 大普林尼


類別 使用語法 說明
Child: > nav>ul>li 巢狀元素
Sibling: + div+p+bq 同層元素
Multiplication: * ul>li*5 複數元素
Item numbering: $ ul>li.item$*5 項目編號
Text: {} a{Click me} 內容文字
Implicit tag names ul>.class ul自動判斷下層li

HTML 相關語法

  • All unknown abbreviations will be transformed to tag, e.g. foo<foo></foo>.
類別 使用語法 說明
Alias of html:5 ! 建立基本html文檔
link link:css CSS外部連結
link:favicon favicon圖示連結
link:touch apple-touch-icon
meta meta:vp viewport固定縮放比
input input:text, input:t input:text
input:password, input:p input:password
input:submit, input:s input:submit
input:button, input:b input:button
input:search input:search
input:email input:email
input:reset input:reset
button button:submit, button:s, btn:s button:submit
button:reset, button:r, btn:r button:reset
button:disabled, button:d, btn:d button:disabled
Alias of blockquote bq 引用
Alias of embed emb 外嵌檔案
other ul+ Alias of ul>li
table+ Alias of table>tr>td
tr+ Alias of tr>td
select+ Alias of select>option

CSS 相關語法

  • CSS module uses fuzzy search to find unknown abbreviations, e.g. ov:h == ov-h == ovh == oh.

Visual Formatting

類別 使用語法 說明
Visual Formatting pos position:relative;
pos:a position:absolute;
z z-index: ;
z:a z-index:auto;
fl float:left;
cl clear:both;
d display:block;
v visibility:hidden;
v:v visibility:visible;
ov overflow:hidden;
ov:s overflow:scroll;
ovx overflow-x:hidden;
ovy overflow-y:hidden;
cp:r clip:rect(top right bottom left);
cur cursor:${pointer};

Box Sizing

類別 使用語法 說明
Box Sizing bxsh box-shadow:inset hoff voff blur color;
bxsh:r box-shadow:inset hoff voff blur spread rgb(0, 0, 0);
bxsh:ra box-shadow:inset h v blur spread rgba(0, 0, 0, .5);
maw max-width: ;
mih min-height: ;


類別 使用語法 說明
Font f+ font:1em Arial,sans-serif;
fw font-weight: ;
fz font-size: ;
ff:a font-family: Arial, “Helvetica Neue”, Helvetica, sans-serif;
ff:t font-family: “Times New Roman”, Times, Baskerville, Georgia, serif;


類別 使用語法 說明
Text va vertical-align:top;
ta text-align:left;
ta:c text-align:center;
td text-decoration:none;
tt text-transform:uppercase;
tt:c text-transform:capitalize;
tt:l text-transform:lowercase;
tsh text-shadow:hoff voff blur #000;
lh line-height: ;
lts letter-spacing: ;
whs white-space: ;


類別 使用語法 說明
Background bg background:#000;
bg+ background:#fff url( ) 0 0 no-repeat;
bgc background-color:#fff;
bgcp background-clip:padding-box;
bgsz:cv background-size:cover;
Color c:ra color:rgba(0, 0, 0, .5);
op opacity: ;


類別 使用語法 說明
Border bd+ border:1px solid #000;
bdr+ border-right:1px solid #000;
bdr:n border-right:none;
bdb+ border-bottom:1px solid #000;
bdrs border-radius: ;
Lists lis:n list-style:none;


類別 使用語法 說明
Others ! !important
@f @font-face { font-family: ; src:url(); }
@kf @-webkit-keyframes identifier { from { } to { } }
@-o-keyframes identifier { from { } to { } }
@-moz-keyframes identifier { from { } to { } }
@keyframes identifier { from { } to { } }
@m, @media @media screen { }
tov text-overflow:${ellipsis};
flex jc justify-content: ;
ac align-content: ;
ai align-items: ;
as align-self: ;
fx flex: ;
fxd:c flex-direction:column;
fxw flex-wrap: ;
fxg flex-grow: ;
fxsh flex-shrink: ;
fxb flex-basis: ;
ord order: ;
animation anim- animation:name duration timing-function delay iteration-count direction fill-mode;
animdur animation-duration:0s;
animtf:cb animation-timing-function:cubic-bezier(0.1, 0.7, 1.0, 0.1);
animdel animation-delay:time;
animic:i animation-iteration-count:infinite;
animdir:r animation-direction:reverse;
animfm animation-fill-mode:both;
animps animation-play-state:running;
transform trf:r transform: rotate(angle);
trf:sc transform: scale(x, y);
trf:t transform: translate(x, y);
transition trs transition:prop time;